Atlantis Works is our work injury management program dedicated to ergonomic safety in the workplace and effective management in returning injured workers to safe work. The program utilizes the full continuum of work system programs to safely match the worker to appropriate work.
The mission of Atlantis Works is to work closely with payors, employers, employees and medical staff to provide a total program of prevention, workplace evaluation, job analysis and rehabilitation to assure a safe and productive work environment.
Most importantly, through our training, coaching, and education services, companies experience a significant return-on-investment, reducing both expenses and risk.
For physically demanding jobs, finding the right hires with the right physical abilities to meet job demands is critical to a safe, productive workplace and reductions in workers' compensation costs. Once hired, employees must remain safe and fit for duty. Atlantis Works can help with both injury prevention and management through a variety of quantified, researched-based solutions designed to make your workplace more successful.
Services Offered
- Prework and Post Offer Screens: Once you have hired the right employee for the job, the trick is keeping them fit for duty. If they want to transfer to a different job within your organization, is that new job right for them? Or are they choosing a new opportunity that will only injure them? If a supervisor notices an existing employee struggling are there policies in place that will allow for fitness duty testing? If employees goes out on FMLA for extended periods, do you know if they are fit to return? And time changes all things. Just because they were fit two years ago when you hired them, doesn't mean they are fit now. A periodic or post-offer screen will allow peace of mind that the potential hire is fit for duty.
- Ergonomics: Atlantis Works: practices the science of work researched-based, peer-reviewed testing, and processes that make workplaces better. Ergonomics is the science of efficacy, safety, and efficiency in the work environment. These come together in our proactive and reactive ergonomic assessments to help workplaces - and employees- work more healthfully.
- Return to Work/FCE: All too often treatment of injured workers is very generic and return to work decisions are purely guesswork on the part of the physicians. Atlantis Works' unique approach to treatment and return to work is far more job-specific, objective, efficient, and safe. Our Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE) are researched-based and have been quantified. The FCE tests dynamic strength, positional tolerance, mobility, and endurance to determine if the employee can safely return to their jobs. This information can also be used if reasonable accommodations can be made.
- Functional Job Analysis: These evaluations accurately determine the critical job demands and assist in recognizing potential ergonomic problems resulting in job modifications if needed.
- Prevention Programs: Workers are instructed on safe ways to interact with their environment and to perform the critical demands of their jobs. Education helps employees understand and solve problems, thereby eliminating potential risks.
- Acute Rehabilitation: Always with the goal in mind of safe return to work, our skilled physical therapists take a comprehensive and personalized approach to treating orthopedic and musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. A significant focus of the rehab process is work conditioning and work simulation to prepare the injured worker for return to work and specifically trains them to meet the critical demands of their jobs. Additionally, education and home exercise programs are a hallmark of our successful rehabilitation programs.
- Cognitive Assessment/Covid-19 Rehab: Atlantis Works offers an online cognitive assessment that can identify neurological deficits that may affect an employee's memory, processing speed, executive functioning skills, concentration, and attention span as a result of the coronavirus and could pose a danger to the employee themselves or others depending on the nature of their job. It may also hinder an employee from fully functioning even while at home. Once identified we can customize a treatment plan using our state-of-the-art dual-task training system SMARTfit to increase brain performance and reduce the effects of the disease on the brain. Additionally, we can incorporate breathing, strengthening, and balance rehab protocols to reduce fatigue and increase general health and productivity.
Please call for more information and to schedule an initial assessment to determine your company's need at 310-325-7404.