Turns out your mother was right. Standing up straight IS good for you. If you have been a patient at Atlantis Fyzical Therapy and Balance Center there are two things you will always hear us say; the first is Move and the second is Good Posture is Important. Good posture, however, is easier said than […]
Exercise is important for people with arthritis because it increases their muscular strength and flexibility, improves their mobility, and helps them feel less pain and fatigue. People with arthritis may have trouble exercising, but they can overcome it. Persistence is important. Exercise can help you reduce the symptoms of arthritis and the good news is […]
Check out the latest news and tips from Atlantis Fyzical Therapy. We are always here to help you! Many are aware that falls are the leading cause of injury in adults aged 65 years or older. But, many are not aware that balance issues are also related to cognitive decline, because your brain the ability to […]
At Atlantis PT, several factors are considered when working with a patient who comes to us as a fall risk. We test the status of the individual for three important areas: STRENGTH: stomach, back, and legs BALANCE: standing still and moving COORDINATION: quickness, accuracy, and cognition Other factors such as posture and joint flexibility are […]
Check out what’s happening at Atlantis Physical & Occupational Therapy: It’s that time of year again to vote for Best Physical Therapy Center and Best Knee Center in the South Bay. The Reader’s Choice Awards is celebrating 34 years and is sponsored by the Daily Breeze and Beach Reporter. Voting is open through Sunday, April 6th. We appreciate all the […]
Osteoporosis and Bone Health Newsletter September, 2020 Check out our newsletter that includes articles on: Test Your Osteoporosis Knowledge with this 10 Question Quiz Patient Story: I Wanted to Live – Garrett’s Story Staff Spotlight: Kai Yamamoto: Occupational Therapist specializing in Hand, Wrist & Upper Extremity Click on Image to View Newsletter
Senior Fitness & Balance Newsletter Click on Image to View Newsletter October, 2019 Check out our newsletter that includes articles on: Fall Prevention: Know the Risks How Physical Therapy Can Help with Fall Prevention & Balance Patient Spotlight: Meet Dorothy: Nearing 100 and Back on her Feet after a Fall
Garrett, 43, is not your typical osteoporosis patient. Generally affecting older women, this common bone disease, characterized by loss of bone density, can lead to breaks and fractures. Many don’t realize that younger patients can develop bone loss especially if their lifestyle choices are not the healthiest. This is exactly what happened to Garrett nearly […]
Dorothy came to Atlantis Physical Therapy a couple of months ago after a fall. She celebrated her 100th birthday in early November. She credits her longevity to staying active over the years and regularly exercising. She also sites chocolate, wine, and blueberries, along with good genes, as factors contributing to her overall health. She says […]