Check out the latest news and tips from Atlantis Fyzical Therapy.
We are always here to help you!
We are thrilled to announce our new Covid-19 Rehabilitation program to address the needs of anyone suffering from the long-term effects of the coronavirus. Our program is based on the latest scientific evidence and guidelines from the leading healthcare institutions and agencies combined with our clinical experience. Our comprehensive program can help with:
- Brain Fog and Memory Issues
- Breathing Issues
- Fatigue
- Balance, Strength, and General Conditioning
We understand the issues facing long haulers and we are here to listen and help. We can customize our program to meet the unique needs of each patient.
To learn more contact our office at 310-325-7404 to schedule an evaluation or click to learn more.

Back By Popular Demand – Rotator Cuff Workshop
If you missed all the great information in September, here’s your chance to get your questions answered and some great tips. This FREE workshop is for anyone that has shoulder pain when:
- Reaching up high
- Lifting something heavy
- Reaching behind the back
- Sleeping at night
Then, our free rotator cuff workshop is for you. Michael Louis, PT will discuss how to get back to normal without medications, injections, or surgery.
Join Us:
Thursday, Oct. 21 at 6:00 p.m.
Covid-19 Protocols will be followed.
Space is limited. Click to RSVP Today!

Sleeping with Shoulder Pain was a popular question at the Rotator Cuff Workshop. Here is a short clip from the workshop with Michael offering advice on how to manage pain in bed.
If you have a question for our therapist we’ll try to answer it in the next newsletter.

In the physical therapy world, the RICE method (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) has long been the recommended treatment for sports injuries. Now, meet MEAT (movement, exercise, analgesics, and treatment). The theory is simple. To recover as quickly as possible from an injury, continue to move the affected joint as much as possible throughout the recovery period. If you are still experiencing pain after a few days, consider an evaluation with a physical therapist or other health care provider to make sure the injury is not more serious.